Action Mechanism of Stabilization of Acidified Milk Drinks by CMC

Action Mechanism of Stabilization of Acidified Milk Drinks by CMC

Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is commonly used as a stabilizer in acidified milk drinks to improve their texture, mouthfeel, and stability. The action mechanism of CMC in stabilizing acidified milk drinks involves several key processes:

Viscosity Enhancement: CMC is a water-soluble polymer that forms highly viscous solutions when dispersed in water. In acidified milk drinks, CMC increases the viscosity of the beverage, resulting in improved suspension and dispersion of solid particles and emulsified fat globules. This enhanced viscosity helps prevent sedimentation and creaming of milk solids, stabilizing the overall beverage structure.

Particle Suspension: CMC acts as a suspending agent, preventing the settling of insoluble particles, such as calcium phosphate, proteins, and other solids present in acidified milk drinks. By forming a network of entangled polymer chains, CMC traps and holds suspended particles in the beverage matrix, preventing their aggregation and sedimentation over time.

Emulsion Stabilization: In acidified milk drinks containing emulsified fat globules, such as those found in milk-based beverages or yogurt drinks, CMC helps stabilize the emulsion by forming a protective layer around the fat droplets. This layer of CMC molecules prevents coalescence and creaming of fat globules, resulting in a smooth and homogeneous texture.

Water Binding: CMC has the ability to bind water molecules through hydrogen bonding, contributing to the retention of moisture in the beverage matrix. In acidified milk drinks, CMC helps maintain hydration and moisture distribution, preventing syneresis (separation of liquid from the gel) and maintaining the desired texture and consistency over time.

pH Stability: CMC is stable over a wide range of pH values, including the acidic conditions typically found in acidified milk drinks. Its stability at low pH ensures that it retains its thickening and stabilizing properties even in acidic beverages, contributing to long-term stability and shelf-life.

the action mechanism of CMC in stabilizing acidified milk drinks involves enhancing viscosity, suspending particles, stabilizing emulsions, binding water, and maintaining pH stability. By incorporating CMC into the formulation of acidified milk drinks, manufacturers can improve product quality, consistency, and shelf-life, ensuring consumer satisfaction with the final beverage.



Post time: Feb-11-2024