HPMC used in wall putty

1. What are the main technical indicators of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

HPMC Hydroxypropyl content and viscosity, most users are concerned about these two indicators. The water retention is generally better for those with high hydroxypropyl content. High viscosity, water retention, relatively (rather than absolute) better, and high viscosity, better used in cement mortar.

2. What is the main function of the application of HPMC in wall putty ?

In the wall putty , HPMC has three functions: thickening, water retention and construction.

Thickening: Cellulose can be thickened to suspend and keep the solution uniform, and to resist sagging. Water retention: make the wall putty dry slowly, and assist the gray calcium to react under the action of water. Construction: Cellulose has a lubricating effect, which can make the wall putty have good workability.

3. Is the drop of wall putty related to HPMC?

The drop of wall putty is mainly related to the quality of ash calcium, but not to HPMC. If the calcium content of ash calcium and the ratio of CaO and Ca(OH)2 in ash calcium are inappropriate, it will cause powder loss. If it has something to do with HPMC, then HPMC’s poor water retention will also cause powder drop.

4. How much is hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) in wall putty ?

The amount of HPMC used in actual applications varies depending on the climate, temperature, local ash calcium quality, formula of wall putty , and “quality required by customers”. Generally speaking, between 4 kg and 5 kg. For example: Beijing wall putty is mostly 5 kg; Guizhou is mostly 5 kg in summer and 4.5 kg in winter; Yunnan is relatively small, usually 3 kg to 4 kg and so on.

5. What is the appropriate viscosity of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

wall putty is generally 100,000 , but the mortar is more demanding, and it takes 150,000  to work. Moreover, the most important role of HPMC is water retention, followed by thickening. In wall putty , as long as the water retention is good, the viscosity is lower (70-80,000), it is also possible, of course, the viscosity is higher, and the relative water retention is better. When the viscosity exceeds 100,000, the viscosity has no effect on the water retention.

6. How to choose the right hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) for different purposes?

The application of wall putty : the requirement is lower, the viscosity is 100,000, it is enough, the important thing is to keep the water better. Application of mortar: higher requirements, high viscosity, better than 150,000, application of glue: fast-dissolving products, high viscosity.

7. The application of HPMC in wall putty , what causes the wall putty to produce bubbles?

HPMC plays three roles in the wall putty : thickening, water retention and construction. Do not participate in any reaction. Reasons for bubbles:

(1) Too much water is put in.

(2) The bottom layer is not dry, and another layer is scraped on it, which is also easy to foam.

Post time: Jan-07-2022